Friday, 20 March 2009
Broken Key in lock
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Flaming hot
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Chauncy Maples Hospital ship.

Today is the launch of the Chauncy Maples hospital ship restoration fund raising website.
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Art can have a heart part 3

This one could be a cat or a kangaroo.
This is one from the second world war series of colouring in pictures. Catching swans and eating them is illegal as the Queen owns all the swans so she says. They are beautiful birds and should not be caught but when people are caught up in wars they are of course staving to death and will do anything to get something to eat even if it means going to jail for it. I also feel wars should be made illegal and owning birds and animals should be illegal and having a royal family should be illegal and going to jail for stealing food should be illegal and shipping food around the world should be illegal and fishing with lead weights should be illegal because it kills the swans as they swollen little pebbles from the bottom of the river and in that swallow lead weights from fisherman. I found a dead swan when I was a child and it had electric burn lines straight across it. So over head power lines should be ilegal and Nuclear power stations should be illegal as they spill out hot water which boils the fish and sea life as well as many other things they do. Bring back pedal power.

Monday, 9 March 2009
It will be you one day. part 2

More activity pictures of what I got up to in the retirement home. This is the start of the Norwich Cathedral Lantern making. As you can see it did not require a table. I decided to use old electrical wire to join the old cane blind as this process has a bit of weaving in it which is easier then using masking tape and the heat of the home made the tape come off.

This is a painting done of Norwich. The painting was very big so everyone could work on it. They really enjoyed this one and new people to the home totally related to it and admired the picture. The self esteem of the people there lifted enormously after this was finished and the picture was talked about amongst the residence.

Flower pot painting. Also a winner and I took the pots round to every single person even the bed ridden to plant the magic sun flower seeds and bought a little watering can. They loved this one because they could smell the soil and get a little dirty and watch them grow. The plants grew inside till they were to tall to fit in the window then they were transplanted to big pots in the court yard. Then as the weather got warmer they took it in turns to water the plants. Walking outside sometimes was quite difficult when they have been indoors all winter. So I helped them make every step to the plants. After they had been out they looked like they had been for a walk on the beach all full of life and colour int here cheeks. The plants could be seen from there windows and grew so tall they could have been entered into the tallest sunflower competition.
Norwich St.Johns Cathedral

This painting would appeal to the Pope or a priest.
The painting is revalued for £4500,000,000,000,000.00
The sale of this painting would go towards buying all the empty Woolworth's stores across the UK, to use, to run art and sustainable craft workshops and skill share workshops for adults and children 7 days a week.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Drawing of the Pheasant pub
Saturday, 7 March 2009
Green houses for schools

I am pleased to say schools are now getting funds to teach children how to grow food. So there is now a demand for these Green houses that can be built with the children. So start collecting your 2 litre plastic bottles and order a Green house. Just get in contact with me by leaving a comment and I will organize the plastic bottle greenhouse team to build one of these beauty's. They are strong and with stand high winds, heavy rain, and the 2 litre plastic bottles were designed to be indestructible. The door can be at the end or in the middle. Please keep the caps on when collecting them this keeps them whole till they are altered for the Green house. If your school has very little storage space ask a parent who may have a garage or shed to store them in. 1400 bottles needed for each house and smaller bottles can be used as bird feeders and scarers.
Friday, 6 March 2009
Omlettle with chocolate, cream and strawberry sauce

This photo was taken at a Badde Manors cafe Christmas work party, where I did an impromptu performance and pretended I had bought the cafe and everyone was now my slave and could not leave. I think they all love it, apart from poor Ben who volunteered to be in the show.
I made the curly tits costume and with great engineering skills they managed to stay up and curly. The fluffy hat is my dag hat made of real sheep's wool. Madam Lash has now got the costume at her house in Palm beach, where it is encased in Sydney's history as one of Sydney's greatest costumes.
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Emma had all her paint colours, floor tiles, curtains, chairs, cabinet colours all along one table. There were a couple of lads with amazing designs for the pillars in the restaurant area.
Lisa with her beach drawings that she will be doing with the children on the walls.
Bright coloured broads and beach paintings of Hannah's. Hospital arts volunteers helping the staff choose things from catalogues.
On the tables opposite me was Kate Green and her amazing sea life illustrations.
Here is pictures of her beautiful work.
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Junk buster launch
People use the web to look up numbers and don't want there limited well earned rented or mortgaged homes clogged up with directory's. How many directory's end up a soggy mess on doorsteps and don't even get looked at and how many hallways end up with piles of unwanted junk mail. How many businesses get junk mail printed in there thousands to save a few penny's and don't even use it and how many scammers send out junk mail to rip people off. All a waste of time and money and trees.
If you are thinking of starting a business the best thing you can do is get in touch with an artist and get everything you need made to top quality standards and then the business will sell it self.
Another good way of marketing is sponsor a performer or festival.
Click here to go straight to Junkbuster.
Monday, 2 March 2009
Dementia activities

These places can seem horrific on first glance but when you get to know everyone they can become a lot of fun.
My motto for growing old is if you don't use it you loose it. But sometimes we loose things when using them to much to. The attention span can be very short for people with dementia but like anything if it is fun then the attention span is longer.
So I had a vast array of activities to keep them all happy and for all the different things that they might be able to do. This one here is an easy one. Tearing up bits of Christmas wrapping paper and sticking it down to make a picture.

Musical live entertainment is the most important part of a retirement home. It involves everyone including staff. Cheers up moral and a fresh reminder of the old days singing round the piano. This lady was an all time favourite and she did lots of instant costume changes and came with her dance partner doll. The musical entertainment that was brought in varied from bands that had been around for nearly a century to one man shows with lyric hand outs. If your a musician and feel you have no where to play your music there is a wonderful audience all waiting for you in any retirement home. Please book in advance so they can spread the entertainment out and don't be disappointed if you get canceled due to a bug going round the home.
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Scams or Salad.
These scams all start in the backs of women's magazines and the readers digest magazine. With the words luck, win, prize draw. Most people ignore these silly advertisements or have a giggle at how insane they are, but some people actually fall for the nasty scammers and send them cash. The Think Jessica campaign has been set up to help people who have a relative that might be scammed or just to warn people not to get scammed. The Think Jessica Campaign have also set up a petition asking the Government to help stop the postal service sending scammers letters to scam people with mental health problems or dementia. I think this could go further then people with mental health problems. The scammers are so good at what they do they could scam anyone.
There is no such thing as getting something for nothing or winning anything.
My mum played a very good trick on me when I was around ten years old, which rid my appeal to gamble. She took me and friend to the beach where the slot machines always hang out or the one arm bandits. I had a hand full of change mostly 2 pence pieces that I had saved up. She then left me and my friend there and said make sure you have 14 pence for the bus home and told us which bus to get. I had been traveling around Dublin on buses with friends or on my own already since I was 4 years old those were the days when kids had more freedom. So me and a friend were in the one arm bandit places putting are change in the things that are suppose to pay out but are always on the edge but never do and low and behold as you imagine the 14 pence soon disappeared and I had to walk a long way home.
Later on in life when I was in Australia to my horror pubs had these one arm bandits and in the 7 years I was there they built a giant casino which increased the population of gamblers. Then the pubs that had great live music started to get rid of the live music ( which is usually put on by musicians for love not for money) and replaced the musicians with one arm bandits. So the sound in the pubs was not beautiful music but horrible gambling machine noises.
In Geelong where my Godmother lived the council wanted to put a Gambling den for children down on the sea front. She campaigned and said would it not be better to have something educational and beautiful. She made beautiful carved and painted bollards of historical figures that went along the coast line for the children to follow on the way home from school instead. Now the bollards have become a tourist attraction and created more tourism and less potential gamblers.
It is very easy to get addicted to gambling if you have hardly any money and it is very tempting. My advise is if you have £30 get a council allotment and start growing vegetables. There is more gratification in growing vegetables and you get rewarded with produce to eat.
In Norwich there is a man at the local allotments who has divided up his allotment into small sections for beginners to start growing. He gives constant advise. My boyfriend tried it and came home with huge vegetables and his crop was a complete success on first attempt. My friend in Glasgow has got her first allotment and she said the other growers are all helpful and friendly.