Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Sponsor a picture frame.
This is very exciting time of my life. I have an exhibition organised for the first week in September in a very posh gallery in London, next door to the Tate Gallery. The gallery kindly gave me the space for free for a week. The excitement nearly gave me a heart attack. My friend Deb Frith from Oz who is over on holiday in the UK. Came all the way from London to sort out a decade of my work for a whole day and night. She was over whelmed by the amount of exciting original work and felt she was in a sweat shop, as I pulled more and more work out to show her. Then at the end of the day we discovered I would need a lot of work framed. Deb rang the picture framers and it will cost thousands of pounds and the show being only 4 weeks away, it is a dilemma. Then we came up with an idea of sponsor a picture frame. So if you fancy sponsoring a picture frame or donating a few pounds towards a picture frame please do. I will also send you an invite to the private view which is going to have a leading band at the opening night and very famous Art stars. I have to do all the publicity myself so spread the word it will the first week in September. If you are in London and want to see the real Britain come a long and see my show. Details will be published when I have made a poster in the next week.
Press the paypal button below and it will link to the paypal site. Thank you to Robert for setting the button up.
Press the paypal button below and it will link to the paypal site. Thank you to Robert for setting the button up.
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Knock Knock film

Many years ago I went on a film Directors course in Melbourne with my friend Deb Frith, it was great fun. The first day on arrival I had been out to lunch with Deb and had one two many drinks, then went into the class room late and stumbled over some chairs and landed on top of Australia's top comedian Ross Daniels who was also on the course. After the course Ross decided to make a film and wanted me and Deb in on it. So I was Arts director and Deb was the Producer, we also took down to Melbourne my friend Stephen Hince to do lighting. When we got there to make the film Ross had gathered up all the comedians he knew to help make it and picked out some famous actors to be in the film. One of which stars in Neighbours now. I was in charge of rain making which I had always wanted to do since a child and had brought with me a lot of umbrellas from the Badde Manors lost propriety to cover the lights. In the end the fire hoses didn't work for the larger scene so we had to call the fire brigade who over the moon to be making rain for Australia's stars.
I got my friend Dave Odgers to do some sound track with his new recording equipment and then a young editor, put the film together and made brilliant credits for it.
The film was suppose to go in the Tropicana film festival in Sydney but got rejected, then it got entered into St.Kilda film festival and won best comedy film. I unfortunately was sent back to Europe and missed the seeing the film at the festival and all these years had no idea till I saw my friend Deb that the film had won prizes. All this time I thought I was suppose to be a artist and maybe I should be working on comedy films. I must say working with the OZ comedians was the best laugh I ever had. Seeing Deb again brought up the giggles.
So some time soon I am going to put my head down and work on some more films.
If anyone sees Ross Daniels the comedian can you tell him to up load the Film called Knock Knock to You tube.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Join Ecotricity now !
Elections tomorrow for Norwich North and the Green party have a good chance of getting in. It is very important to vote for the Green Party as there needs to be a huge push for Green Issues.
In Leonora an area of Australia, Uranium mining is about to start happening. This is something the locals would not not want and the rest of the planet does not need more of as once its out of the ground and used for energy there is no real way of disposing it. It will just float around in the oceans and land in your vege patch on any part of the planet. If you see how quickly pig flu spreads then just imagine how quickly Uranium waste gets around. Also in Australia The shooters party are trying to pass a bill to shoot all Australian native animals in the forests. How crazy is that, when there people like the RSPCA trying to save animals. We need Green people in powerful positions to help make changes and fight to hold on to rainforest's and promote Green energy.
I joined Ecotricity several years ago they match other local electric companies bills, so your not paying any more for your electricity bill by joining them. Then they spend the whole bill on reinvesting in alternative energy for electricity. They mostly build Windmills and also are trying to develop other forms of electricity. They also have developed an Eco car here in Norfolk.
Before I joined Ecotricity I rang every electric company in the country to see what they were doing for alternative green energy and every single one them said they were doing nothing. I got very honest telephone assistant. They all said they would would rather be working for a green energy company and told me to start one. But after lots of research I found Ecotricity, so there is little point in me starting my own alternative energy company when they is already one out there doing a very good job.
Windmills are nothing new they use to be all over the landscape grinding grains and pumping water. We just need to go back to the old way. If I had a big building to power I would certainly get a wind mill and solar panels.
In Sydney there is a whole area that has a rule to have every house decked out with solar panels.
25 years ago when I was in Saudi Arabia which is an oil country, they had already been decked out with solar panels. I even saw them on public telephone boxes.
Join Ecotricity today as you contribution to the planet and vote green in every election.
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Bristol Dog minding Holiday
Back in Norwich its all election time again and the Green party up for a seat, we only live in hope, vote, vote, vote.
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Alien Bread

I should be experimenting with wheat, yeast, gluten, egg free bread but have had so many bad starts on it. I gave up hope.
Wondering if this bread is a sign that I should open a bread shop. But I don't have the dough to get started in this business.
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Complements Hospital Arts Project Norfolk and Norwich New Children's Unit

Written comments, complements and news articles so far on the New artistic Children's Ward.
I have left out names just in case they didn't want to be published on blog.
Good on you girl - the pics look great. Nonetheless I hope never to have to use the facilities!
I love the eel and the lighthouse – they look really brilliant and functional too. Many congratulations! On Saturday we went on an East Anglian Writers’ outing to Ely and discovered that it got its name from ‘Eel Island’. So it’s all EELS this week-end.
It looks just incredible Eloise.
Well done to you and all of you!
Your work looks brilliant! The colours work very well and you must be really pleased.
A huge thank you for all of your work for the Jenny Lind Children’s Department.
This is so beautiful, hard to describe in words. Very cheerful and happy as well as thought provoking from a child's point of view.
Very elegant as well.
beautiful !
ZapDiddlyOoooBoppaZshxxakattAmmmMmmazing work Ella!
Brilliant! I love it. Well done Eloise. I hope you gets lots of recognition for it as well as making all those ill children happy - or at least distracting them.
what a brilliant piece of work you have done for the children, congratulations.
Well done Eloise, this is how art should be used and you have done a fantastic job, not just the ideas but the drive and execution.
Go Ella x x x x
This is just dazzling and wonderful work Eloise. Such inspiration and skill, coupled with such commitment and compassion. Congratulations from us
amazing can you come to Australia and do the new wing at the Melbourne women's hospital children's wing?
very nice work i am impressed
well done Eloise, this looks great.
Very stunning. Wish I was a child when I have to go to the hospital.
brill work Eloise , that will bring loads of smiles
congrat's !!!!can't wait to see it
Wonderful news all around
What Eloise has done at the hospital is great and deserves lots of clapping and cheering. Well done Eloise!
Great Job Ella!!!!!
Very Impressed.
Very Impressed.
Norfolk and Norwich Hospital Trust http://www.nnuh.nhs.uk/News.asp?ID=692
EDP newspaper
Nice! the two links below to great big articles on the children's unit have disappeared never to seen again not even in the papers archives. I thought by adding these links I would be documenting something great in history. Well it seems not will have scrap book the old way and contact the papers for a couple of back issues of the real paper and scan them.
Evening news double page spread http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/content/news/story.aspx?brand=ENOnline&category=News&tBrand=ENOnline&tCategory=news&itemid=NOED27%20Jun%202009%2011%3A42%3A10%3A223
Thursday, 2 July 2009
The Church of stop shopping

While I was writing about St Benedict's fair day I came across, The Church of Stop Shopping with Rev. Billy. I am so pleased I found him and he came and exorcised Norwich supermarkets too only a while ago. Since finding him on You tube I had to look at all his films. I know what he is saying and a real believer. If I ever decide to get married and be a slave wife, I will be using the Rev. Billy at my ceremony.
The Rev. Billy tries his hardest to break the brain washing mould that capitalism has turned us into. You can really feel how bad society is as he gets locked up in jail every time he goes out preaching to people that they should shop local to maintain there local community's.
I have felt the pain of supermarkets and mass chains since I left art school. Like I make my self a nice outfit to go out in and then the chain clothes shop fashion designers that forced to come up with 300 designs a day for there sweat shoppers, nick my design and put it in all the shops, what leg do I have to stand on, in today's world. Even when I pitch an idea to company in the hope of getting work they sell it to a bigger company and don't even bother getting back to me, with a penny for my thought.
I can make high quality original clothes from my living room, but how on earth can I compete with supermarkets, when the fabric I buy by the yard costs more then suit, you can buy off the hanger in a chain shop. My hours put it into the outfit would mean I would get paid less then a sweat shopper in China or Indonesia.
So you can see that most local shops that are still open because they love there shop are actually funding the rent through another job and staying open for our benefit and a gift to the city. They are not open to make mass profits. They could make more profit to cover there rent if we shopped at them instead of supermarkets.
What is the point in traveling or going on holiday, when every city in the world looks exactly the same with the same shops in.
I have a friend who was an accountant for chain shops, he said that a shop owner opens one shop he loves it and looks over it and sits down the back answering staff problems and changing the little things and fixing the machines that break and changing the light bulbs etc. He then thinks I will open the same shop in the nearest city because this one is so good. But then he opens another shop and cant have the time to completely be there for either shop so he drives back and forth, then he opens 10 more shops in other city's. Now he is going slightly bonkers trying to do the accounts for the shops and solve all the problems in all the shops. He has to drive around to check them all. A few of them the staff are not turning up things are going wrong. Then he decides it to get an account to do all the accounts for all the chains. But still the account visits all the shops and notices that the standards of each shop varies and there in there is still only the first shop that the guy opened that is the one that does well. The rest of the chain is weaker.
Then the crazy business standard that has been going on for decades. Open a big business get lots of loans etc. Keep it going for for a year then go bust the business is so big the government writes the dept off. Then the business person opens another big business and does the same again over and over. While doing this the business kills off all the little businesses in the area. So when the big business goes burst the neighbourhood looks like a run down ghost town with no local shops to buy necessity's.
So these big businesses that not only ruin are life are a complete con. It is horrible to live ones life being completely conned. It would be much better to live a life where you know your neighbours are there for you and going look out for you.
Robert says I have gone on quite a bit on this subject, but someone has to do it. Best out then in.
Dont forget to visit the Church of Stop Shopping.
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