Sunday, 31 October 2010
Hospital Children's Unit photography
The children's Unit at the NNUS hospital was installed last year. I found these photos today of a photographer called Mike Robinson who has photographed the unit and my Eel PSi station. The photos are very good so here is a link:
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Norwich Dandies at the "Well being festival"

If you would like to hire the "Norwich Dandies" for your festival, to do public art workshops, please do get in touch.
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Music Album cover
More work I cannot publish till its been published, but I just finished a music album cover for my cousin who is a great musician. He was so pleased with it and I was too. I will be making more images for the Album. Having spent a life time drawing bands, this is the way forward and very exciting. I am really looking forward to holding the album in my hand and playing the music in the air.
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Stop Junk Mail stickers

Stop junk mail the non-profit organisation that spends everyday trying to figure out how to stop junk mail coming through your door, which I support whole heartily and give them cartoons to use for there cause. Has come up with a new "Door sticker" design that would appeal to everyone. They spent months working on the design and it is now for sale on there website and blog. I would recommend everyone get one and get a few to give to your neighbours or to your colleagues at work. They also appeal to older people who may have trouble bending down to pick up the junk mail from the door mat or think there might be someone at the door every ten minutes every time the junk mailer hits the flap or comes up the garden path. The stickers are only available at "Stop junk mail" on the internet, so get one for someone you know who is on the net. There also getting calls from neighbourhood watch groups who are very interested in getting the stickers for there groups.
Also they sell eco envelope reuse labels, return to sender labels and have stacks of information and help on the website. Please support the cause for the price of a raffle ticket. Go to
Saturday, 9 October 2010
Shelly Telly
Thursday, 23 September 2010
50th year reunion Central School of Art and Crafts
On the 1st of November this year past pupils that studied theatre and costume design at the Central School of Art and Crafts in the late 1950's and early 1960's will be holding a reunion in London. My parents met each other at the college and were studying the came course. It was the time of rock and roll and beatnik's. My Mothers feet still hurt from wearing winkle picker shoes for the sake of rock and roll. She has the photos to prove it and many photo albums from there time at the college. They will be taking them along to the reunion. If your parents or friends were studying theatre and costume design at the college at this time please do get in touch. You can leave a message in the comments box or join the facebook group. The art school is now called Central Saint Martins college.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
NNUH hospital Fete

This Saturday at the Norfolk and Norwich University hospital there will a fundraiser fete, raising money for the Neonatal unit. Starting at 11am going on till 4.30pm. Please do come along. The stalls will be in the car park, so catch a bus there. Many stalls, a car boot sale, games and the hospital arts project will have lots of art inspiring creations for all ages to make.
Friday, 17 September 2010
Government fund the arts
The time we are in is when the industrial machine age is nearly over. Fossil fuels are running out and according to people in the industry it will run out completely in the next 5 to 10 years. This means there will be even less jobs.
My plan of action is the government backs the arts even more then ever. People will then learn how to use there imagination, the use of there hands, learn craft and traditional skills. There is so little funding in the arts in recent decades I have never seen a penny from it. If I lived in Holland or France I would be given a weekly wage and a pat on the back. In the UK, I volunteer my time as an artist nearly 50 weeks of the year. I make two weeks pay last me a whole year. When the Bishop that came to visit the UK said that the UK was like a third world country I was pleased he said that, because for most of us it is. The divide between rich and poor is enormous. There may be an illusion that poor people are rich because they have a car or TV, but this is just an illusion they took out a loan to pay for it and have become even poorer from the loan gaining interest.
One would hope that the government puts more money towards the arts to get a greater return in jobs and happiness. If not then the richest people in the country should be forced by the government to put some cash into the arts, after all the rich people not long ago use to commission artists to do portraits and murals, plays, music and performance.
If you think the government should at least talk about it. Then please sign the petition here
Monday, 13 September 2010
Archaos Circus Band sketches

20 year reunion of the world famous Archaos circus at the OXO tower on the Thames in London where there was a large exhibition of photographs, films and press cuttings. Plus nearly all the people that were involved with the circus were there in person, excited as the public to be back together. There were no chainsaws being juggled which the nanny state were in, feared so much by the pen pushers. The circus was never about juggling chainsaws, it was much more then that it was a collective of creative talent from all over the world that brought about a social change. No longer was circus about taming wild animals, it was about letting humans go wild with expression and freedom. The circus was together for only two years, but is still talked about as if they are still happening and the circus had so much impact on anyone that saw the show, it triggered people to go out and show there talent.
I met up with Annabel lines and Chris Axelsen who had flown in especially from Australia to be with there Archaotic family once again. Annabel had not changed in twenty years, she still kept her beauty and glamour. Annabel has kept up her performing since she left the circus and still retains the highest level of talent. Everything she does becomes inspirational for others to copy. The hoola hoop toy business should give her 50 percent of there profits. She has twirled for many years and even toured with Peaches round the world. She has done so many different types of performance that she designed herself, it makes lady Gaga look like she is a child that has been messing around with Annabel's dressing up box.
Chris Axelsen may not be a human cockroach getting running over by motorbikes. He has done many entertaining theatrical shows since Archaos, including helping with the running Sydney CarriageWorks arts centre.

The Band altogether playing.
Thursday, 12 August 2010
NNUH east, third floor, "Cartoon cabernet cabaret corridor, art show!"

NNUH east, third floor Beach board, to remind people to go to the beach this summer. Good old summer sea breeze fresh air.
This summer I got asked to show my work voluntarily, along the corridor at the hospital.. Paintings of the Norfolk coast from memory, sketches of local bands, political cartoons.
A wall of musicians
More beach paintings lets splash out and sea more.
Sketches of musicians playing live, like Jont, Kirstin Hurst and Josh Weller.
Norwich Paintings and newspaper articles and magazine publications.
The theatres hospital band playing at the Norwich arts centre.
Cartoons kept under glass .
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
St. Gregory's Group pride show 2010

St Gregorys in pottergate, Norwich a fine church with a group show for a whole month for Pride. I am reflecting upon my work.
Here I am with a mirrored plinth on which my work sits in the church.
Vince Laws melting into his painting, its hard to tell them apart.
Vince Laws reading his poetry at the alter.
Fashion designer Ruth and Dugald the artist/actor.
Photographer Rod Penn and artist/Warhol thrash party organiser/Pride arts team Noam
St.Gregory's also serves Tea and cake.
Art works for sale,
New Exhibition,
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
My Super solo Show at the Tea Lounge

Self harming planet, fish and shit and crop circle water colour paintings.
Art works for sale,
New Exhibition,
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