Saturday, 29 May 2010
Sunday 30th May Cromer lobster auction

Tuesday, 25 May 2010
The Norwich Dandies art thief stole paintings

Saturday, 22 May 2010
Norwich Dandies update launch
The Norwich Dandies, a group of contemporary artists, poets and performers are taking over St Margaret’s Church on St Benedict’s Street, Norwich, for two weeks and filling it with art, poetry, performance and community projects. There will be a Human Library, Spoken Word Open Mike, T-shirt Printing, OUT140, crowning of the Norwich Pope (with a hand-knitted mitre!), Badger the dog, and a spectacular Launch Party on Monday 24 May from 6pm prompt – don’t miss it! Plus the Small Blue Ball, signed by artist Kurt Perschke, the man behind the big Red Ball, will be squished and squashed into various places around the church over the 2 weeks!
Artists include Vince Laws who takes poetry off the page into paintings, performance and installations; Norwegian painter Ole Skauge who creates dazzling geometrical illusions; homeboy Dugald Ferguson with his illuminated bunches of sportsmen-clad blossom; Christina Sabberton who creates exaggerated stereotypes inspired by what she observes in the world around her; Grant Dejonge, Painter and Ceramicist; Eloise O’Hare who makes Alice in Wonderland look dowdy; and Mark Scott Wood who makes curious installations. Badger the Dog will be displaying his unmade bed.
Others taking part include Shelly Telly, community film maker and the chair of Norwich Pride; poet and UEA lecturer Caroline Gilfillan; writer and comedian Paul Knight; humanist celebrant Georgina Wragg; musician and singer Maddie Cassell; photographer Paul John Bayfield; artist Jacqui Jones; the newly formed Norwich Pride Choir; flag waver Neville Holyoake; artists Gaia Shaw and Sam Epps; poet and octogenarian Jean Clark; final year art students Holly Goldberg and Angela Szczypka; Oz Osbourne from Rethink; comedian Hillary Koe; and the one and only Pequlia Bigtop;
The Norwich Dandies runs from 24 May - 5 June 2010, at St Margaret’s Church, St Benedict’s Street, Norwich, and is open daily from 10am-5pm, plus later for certain events. The Launch Party is on Monday 24 May at 6pm prompt, with Tate Curator Marcus Dickey Horley cutting the Red Ribbon at 6.30pm, followed by live performances, including The Small Frayed Knot by Vince Laws.
Contact vincelaws@gmail.com for a Launch Party invite, to get involved, or for more information.
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Norwich Dandys

The Norwich Dandies, a group of contemporary artists, poets and performers are taking over St Margaret’s Church on St Benedict’s Street, Norwich, for two weeks and filling it with art, ideas and performance. There will be a Human Library, a Lunchtime Soapbox, T-shirt Printing, OUT140, Human Chess, an Alternative Pope, and Badger the dog.
Pop in and see my puppets, paintings, jewellery and cartoons.
Artists include Vince Laws who takes poetry off the page into paintings, performance and installations; Norwegian painter Ole Skauge who creates dazzling geometrical illusions; homeboy Dugald Ferguson with his illuminated bunches of sportsmen-clad blossom; and christina creates exaggerated steriotypes inspired by what she observes from the world around her for next PR. Badger the Dog will be displaying his unmade bed.
The Norwich Dandies, St Margaret’s Church, St Benedict’s Street, Norwich, 24 May - 5 June 2010, open daily from 10am-5pm, Free. The Launch Party is on Monday 24 May at 6pm with live performances. Contact vincelaws@gmail.com for a Launch Party invite, to get involved, or for more information.
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Norwich bid for culture

Norwich the city of culture had a big meeting last week at the Open (old Barclay's bank). The meeting had over a hundred people at it. All from different aspects of the city from music, writing and the arts. It was the longest meeting I had ever been to starting at 9am and finishing 6pm. It was a nice event with tea and coffee on arrival and familiar people, networking before the meeting even started. I thought I might be on my own for the meeting but I got approached straight away by a lady called Shelly Telly saying "hey you were the winner of the Warhol competition". It was so early in the morning, I was trying to think back to whether I was at Andy Warhol's warehouse in the 60's which I knew so much about and had lived in so many warehouses I could have almost been there. Then she reminded me, I was the winner of the Warhol rejects costume competition last year. So I had a friend now to sit with in a large daunting meeting. We all sat in a circle, then had to write down all the things we were passionate about and topics we thought should be brought up and stick them on the wall. Which took a while to make sense. Then we had to chair small meetings at different times. I had none to chair at that time so I went in and sat in someone else's meeting. Which I was attracted to the name of and thought I might be able to have input on. More people joined the are group and it grew. Then I went and joined a meeting about artists space, which was one of my topics. I met a painter who knew my family and had heard all about me. We tried to come up with what we actually wanted. Then lunch broke out and we had a big feed. Then I went for a tour of the building which was usually for the youth of Norwich. It was the best equipped youth club one could not even imagine the great equipment and rooms, services they got at 'OPEN'.