Wednesday, 30 June 2010
A month of art in Norwich
Thursday, 17 June 2010
The Tea Lounge Super Solo Show

Wednesday, 16 June 2010
The Norwich Dandies exhibition St.Margarets church

The Norwich Dandies
Visitors’ Comments May 24- June 5, 2010
Best show I’ve seen in St Margaret’s – well done the Dandies!
Love the Norwich paintings by Eloise.
Just what Norwich needs! Marie
Congratulations on a unique show. Stephen Bumfrey, BBC Radio Norfolk
Totally anarchic queer fun! (love the animation of St Benedict’s too) Keiran x [About the posters, bunting, artwork outside]
Paintings are amazing thanks! Love Keren and Alison
Better than the 20 group! (But don’t tell them I said so).
Excellent. The puppets are really scary but cool.
Hi! Laura L. (Thanks for the wrap : ) Here’s to further collaborations. [Musician who played at the launch]
Nice to see something different in Norwich – all good.
Some really powerful work. SA
Excellent to see some conceptual/contemporary work in Norwich. ( >mailing list!!)
Wow! Saint Patrick paintings [Eloise] are amazing + perfect. I will buy them all. Naomi [liar! She didn’t buy any!]
The Art in a Can [Eloise] makes a perfect birthday present for my friend. Thanks, Shelly
Loved the work, the humour, keeping it real. Fran
Well good need more of this Thanks.
Great vigour and colour. I like all the different things used. The fastest thing in Norwich this year – good luck! Mike Chapman
Last time I came I described your exhibition as good. WHAT A CRAP ADJECTIVE. When I left I felt really bad because this exhibition is kick ass ace. I loved all the work. If I was rich I would buy It’s a Boy [Grant] and Sports Flowers 8 [Dugald]. Thank you for inspiring me to be creative productive.
I like that Eloise O’Hare
I love the juxtaposition of ceramics [Grant] next to the cherubs [church].
I would use the ‘interesting’ word but think I better steer clear of that one!
A good range of work, right across the spectrum. Very energetic – well curated! Fun too. LC
Excellent use of the space – always too bitty in here – look at the stained glass window – I’ve never noticed it before.
V good. Particularly like small Grant Dejonge paintings on the back wall [8 x twisted scenes]
It’s interesting to see a collection of work based purely on Pride – normally we focus on pride being a bad thing so it’s good to see something different. [there’s one Norwich Pride banner on the railings!]
Fabulous. If I had money I would have spent it. Ruth x
Such a brilliant show – great to see such a range of pieces. Really adds something to our fine city. Nick O’B
Interesting. Brilliant display of humane beings coming together in warmth + love. Very innovating. Paul. Smile [he came first to the Human Library, borrowed 2 books, came back for poetry readings, and again to vote in new Popes]
Something changed today… change is good – thank you xxxxxx
Great display, love the crop circle. [Mark’s piece]
Thanks very much for the HIV poem. [Vince performed Human for this visitor]
Most original + thought provoking. JG
We had a good visit. Thanks Dandies. [Artists Gaia Shaw & Sam Epps, changing spaces, they drew on a huge sheet of paper unrolled in the church for 2 days]
I think what you’ve done is really brilliant. Lucy [She came in to Human Library. Came back in week to ask about holding HL in Yarmouth, and to ask Vince to perform there]
A great display, much thought provoking interesting different a quiet location with time to think Steve
Very many thanks Michael Wingate
Thought provoking art and very child friendly [Shelly Telly film day]
Love the sun Pippa Croft
Very interesting, esp medication box messages [Vince’s poem Human]
The most colourful + filled exhibition I have every seen in this building.
Grant. Excellent unique art + sculptures. You’re really talented. Wonderful + creative. V e Smit
Very nice stuff, very inventive - Chelsea Morgan and Mary Messenger [The 12 yr old child on the mobile in heels]
Very good - Loved the Wedding album! Cat Mara X
I did not know what to expect but was surprised by it all [In a good way] - SEC
Hi Vince, Pope Philippa came into wish you good luck with your performance tonight.
Came across the exhibition by accident. Found Vince's work very thought provoking. I wish you luck - and to everyone involved - Jen
I enjoy the show and busyness however I don't think this busyness works with all the work. The works that use text I find brave and I love the ceramic works at the back. Good luck. - 'The Nine'
Liked the scissor sculpture in the corner. The fuck it. [Grant’s]
Loving the vibrant colours, the spiderman, superman/ woman, The castle and flowers bluebells - very well put together. Fabulous!
The colours are splendid everything is brought alive especially the spiderman, the bishop and I love Lynda Carter the wonderwoman. A most impressive display.
Amazing thank you for putting on such a great show! Hope you can do it again soon!
Monday, 14 June 2010
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital exhibition
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Cromer Crab and Lobster festival auction on the Pier

Marian O'Hare in all weather gear ready to bid for many lobsters, even bidding for her Australian grand daughters.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010
The Norwich Dandies Tuesday events drawing and poets

The Norwich Dandies first art opening