Monday, 28 January 2013

Norwich rising rehearsal January 2013

The Rising dancers on the steps of the Forum

The Norwich Forum and Rising dancers

Sunshine breaking through the winter clouds as we practice the dance.

Sunday morning at 10am outside the forum we practiced the dance moves for Norwich rising which is working towards ending violence against women. One billion women have violence against them on the whole planet. Like rape, child abuse, getting beaten, verbal abuse, the list goes on. Generally women are still back in the dark ages. Doing 99 percent of the worlds work and earning one percent of the worlds money. Well not for much longer on the 14th of February this year 2013 the world will be a different place when women will rise up and dance and and make a stand. 

1 comment:

Eloise O'Hare said...

Hi Tom,
I recon when the violence against women stops then it would break the chain of violence, that ripples through many parts of the worlds everyday life.
I know that there is violence against men too. There is men in the Norwich rising dance group.