Monday, 3 August 2015

Ukulele Caberet London Beach Party sketches

I was invited to draw the Poster for July's Beach Party theme. The actually event fell on a day when I was delivering a commission to London so I went down there and made a day of it. Dropping off sculptures in the morning spending the day at Tate Britain and Modern then eating out in a vegetarian restaurant and then heading over to the Lincoln Lounge in Kings Cross to see the Ukulele cabaret. 

The musicians were great fun off stage and on

I had not intended to sketch everyone, but got carried away with the music

Tricity Vogue organises the events monthly the next one is in September

Erin Hunter singing about child birth

Jungle book songs

The bar owners

The enthusiasts 

Playing the drum box

Background uke

Rapping to the Uke

Eye lashes that you could string a Uke with

The more serious Uke

First timer Uke

Birthday boy

Beard that you could string a uke with

Rocking out on a Uke