Thursday, 4 September 2014

Late August Allotment

Allotment in late August planted cabbages, it seems August is the best growing time for this corner dark allotment. Its all clear of weeds now which has been a battle as it was over run at the beginning of the year. I have been clearing bit by bit and then planting which has been the only way to tackle it. All the allotment is organic. I have been making comfrey tea every couple of weeks and putting that on the allotment. I do need to get more manure or bark wood. 

Raspberries are all out and popped up all over the allotment in amongst the squash.

Squash flowers are all out and I been picking the squash so more grow. I planted seeds that I collected over the years so I had no idea what or which was going to grow.

Blue Dye flowers. Forgotten the name but the leaves look a bit like nettles but they don't sting.

Mint and Echinacea.

Squash flower

Squash flower


Celery sitting where I planted it which is about 10 months ago.

Celery spaced out. I tried the spaced out celery to see if it would grow better it seems to make no difference. It still struggling to grow.

Raspberry and squash. I planted Squash as it provides shade from weeds and produces squash that I can store over winter. I was late in planting them apparently they will keep going to the first frost.

Rhubarb has been a slow grower but I recon will be better next year. 

Tobacco which is the last thing planted the plants were bought off the Internet already started. Have no idea how they will grow. My mother has had them grow from birds dropping the seeds in there poo.

Strawberries, carrots and squash.

Squash growing around rose bushes and trees for them to climb.

Robert came along to help tackle the weeds.

Victoria plums

Celery that I moved

Tansy herb

Raspberries and cucumber 

Celery, Raspberries, Squash, Broad bean.

Radishes, celery, Squash, Sorrel

Seeded Lettuce, Hazelnut, Raspberries, blackcurrant.

Lettuce seeded for next year

Raspberries and next door's allotment that is positively amazing. 

Hazelnut tree without nuts will prune back for next year.

Mixed herb garden. This part of the garden had a rotten log which I dug into soil and it not loves it.

Plums went mad this year but they do have that moth in which I will try and tackle next year.

Spinach. I pick this till there is one leaf left on each plant as it gets eaten by slugs otherwise.

Elderberries. Not sure if these will be eaten again Robert had a bad reaction to them. If any of the stem gets in the cooked elderberries they can be poisonous. We will stick to the flowers for making tea.

Courgettes and Marrows. My neighbour gave me the plants and they did very well and keep producing.

Washing the beetroot courgettes and marrow.

Mixed Squash. Lots of varieties of Squash which I am pleased about very soft skin when picked fresh.

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