Sunday 27 January 2013

Queens history society

Art exhibition at the NNUH hospital in the corridor cabinets of International famous artist Eloise O'Hares creative drag Queens from round the world. Mounted watercolour paintings will be well hung by hospital arts long standing volunteer Eloise O'Hare.
The portraits were painted for the Queens Jubilee last year and shown at Franks bar as part of the Norwich Pride arts trail 2012

Queens and cake exhibition film sponsored by the cake tin foundation and made by Clementine doll.

The exhibition is part of the Norfolk LGBT history month and is supported by the Norwich hospital arts project. The exhibition runs for the whole of February 2013

The exhibition is for the 6000 staff, 600 volunteers and the 1000's of patients and visitors.

The hospital has wheelchair access. Buses available from the city centre. paid parking, cycle route short cut though the UEA and a walk through Eaton park then by the UEA lake, down past the Sainsbury Centre and along a public footpath to the hospital.

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