Wednesday 7 November 2012

Norwich Hostry arts awards 2012

Norwich Hostry Awards 2012 at Norwich cathedral hostry. NNUH hospital arts was nominated for a prize by a secret admirer. So Emma Jarvis Director of art operations and I went along. It was nice for the hospital to be recognised for an award as its being going for over 15 years and it has multiple things happening all the time. It isn't an easy job at all and it pushed Emma and her volunteers well over the limit of a hard graft all the time. 

We were late for the awards because it was a Friday night and taxi's were all saying they would take hours to come. Emma had been working to 5.50 pm and had a 20 minute window to get ready. 

Stash Kirkbride who organised the awards and hosted the evening.

The audience made up of top dudes in Norwich. The Mayor, vicars, shop owners, top musicians etc.
A black tie event as you can see there all wearing black. It could pass as a funeral. I sort of imaged it would be sitting around tables with fancy dimly lit lamps and a nice dinner but these are early days in Norfolk awards.

Caroline from the John Jarrold project excepting and giving awards. Jarrolds is a great local shop in Norwich and have a art department on the top floor. Jarrold trust sponsor lots of projects in Norfolk.
We sat beside Caroline and she like me drawing the people.

Emma took a photo of me sketching the band that was playing. I have since coloured in the drawing watercolour and will photograph them tonight and blog them.

Simon on piano accompanying the singers.

Me getting ready at Emma's flat to go out to the award night.

Emma her in her 6 inch heals that match her dress that looks like the barrier reef.

Emma Jarvis before a glass of champagne. 

The right Honourable Mayor Ralph Gayton who wanted to see his sketch that I had drawn of him during the ceremonies. 

The red carpet more like a rug but much nice then the Fox studios one that I was on years ago when my friend Hugh Coffey was performing in a band on an Ozzie version of Top of the pops. I had made his costume for the show. The fox studio one is red astro turf. No one would know on watching on TV.

Photos by Anita Staff

Emma Networking 

Playing with fire at the Awards

Emma in her flaming dress.

More sketching the people.

Celebrating at Take 5 across the road from the cathedral. 

Emma and mucking around in the comfy room taking photos.

Photos of my false eyelashes and hair in action.

Photo of Emma outside our old nightclub Ritz's from the 1980's. The Bo Nanafan nightclub won an award for best club in Norwich. A lot was mentioned about Mr. Hy who owned Tombland and supported the arts in Norwich. Emma and I ended up at a new "club 21" and danced the evening away. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to say: Emma is looking really good in these pictures