Saturday 25 July 2009

Knock Knock film

Eloise and Deb Frith meet up after 7 years at Clifton suspension bridge.
Many years ago I went on a film Directors course in Melbourne with my friend Deb Frith, it was great fun. The first day on arrival I had been out to lunch with Deb and had one two many drinks, then went into the class room late and stumbled over some chairs and landed on top of Australia's top comedian Ross Daniels who was also on the course. After the course Ross decided to make a film and wanted me and Deb in on it. So I was Arts director and Deb was the Producer, we also took down to Melbourne my friend Stephen Hince to do lighting. When we got there to make the film Ross had gathered up all the comedians he knew to help make it and picked out some famous actors to be in the film. One of which stars in Neighbours now. I was in charge of rain making which I had always wanted to do since a child and had brought with me a lot of umbrellas from the Badde Manors lost propriety to cover the lights. In the end the fire hoses didn't work for the larger scene so we had to call the fire brigade who over the moon to be making rain for Australia's stars.
I got my friend Dave Odgers to do some sound track with his new recording equipment and then a young editor, put the film together and made brilliant credits for it.
The film was suppose to go in the Tropicana film festival in Sydney but got rejected, then it got entered into St.Kilda film festival and won best comedy film. I unfortunately was sent back to Europe and missed the seeing the film at the festival and all these years had no idea till I saw my friend Deb that the film had won prizes. All this time I thought I was suppose to be a artist and maybe I should be working on comedy films. I must say working with the OZ comedians was the best laugh I ever had. Seeing Deb again brought up the giggles.
So some time soon I am going to put my head down and work on some more films.
If anyone sees Ross Daniels the comedian can you tell him to up load the Film called Knock Knock to You tube.

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