Thursday, 24 September 2009

Industry Networking night Norwich

From the 6 of October at 7.30pm at Norwich Beluga Bar (the old slug and lettuce) there is a fantastic networking event for fashion designers, models, artists, web designers, printers, graphic designers, photographers, etc. This kind event cuts out hours of trying to network on line and helps people meet face to face. Sandra Reynolds model agency will be there.

I will be exhibiting my art work along side Dugald Blanchard Ferguson a Norfolk/New Zealand artist. Robert will be representing me on the night, so any questions please don't hesitate to ask him.
Its £8 on the door, please do tell anyone you think will benefit from this event. Events like this are very important to create jobs and work for everyone.
For more information head to St. Lawrence's textile centre. A big church on St. Benedict's street in Norwich where the Ship of fools shop has moved to.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Mind the Gap... Bringing depression above ground

Mind the Gap...Bringing depression above ground is an exhibition held at the Crypt of St Pancras church in Euston on the 30th September 2009 at 5pm and runs till the 27th of October 2009.
I have been asked to exhibit along side many International and local female artists. So thanks to Claire Freer who is also exhibiting, she will be putting my work in for me, while I am away.
Do go a long to the show at the Crypt it is an amazing space.
The organizers of the show is the called WAM. Which stands for the Women's art movement.
It is fantastic that they have included me in this show and I hope I do something to improve women's mental health, it certainly improves mine by being in the show.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Java Mata Air Festival

Tomorrow I am flying around the world to the Java Mata Air Festival at Senjoya Springs. The festival this year is about clean water. So there will be a big clean up of waterways happening in the area from the 26th of September.
I will be making large lanterns with Kath Ellis who I use to work with in Australia making very large lantern festivals. Kath Ellis has kindly organised for me to get to the Mata-air-festival.
I would not usually fly this far with global melt down but due to this being a very good cause I am going and will arrive around the 24th to be thrown into festival atmosphere, sun and bamboo cutting. Kath Ellis will be performing on the main stage with her band Hubris, Huge Coffey and Gang. Marty Jay Australia's leading fashion designer will be arriving soon after I get there with a gang of Ozzie's. The local bands and artists from Java will also be there and I am looking forward to meeting them.
If anyone in Java wants to learn how to make lanterns please come along, it will be fun.

Monday, 21 September 2009

Menier gallery, Undiagnosed madness exhibition 16

One last photo from the Menier opening night this one has Leon Billings from London Art blog in it. Little did I realise he was going to write a great review of my show. Also in the photo Janie Hampton and Rhalou Allerhand.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Menier gallery, Undiagnosed madness exhibition 15

Alex Walker with the Famous Artist Eloise O'Hare at the Menier Gallery 2009

The alien is in shock and doesnt know what to think of the art work.

Aunty Margaret and Uncle David having a chat with the famous artist Eloise O'Hare

Far Left Guy Freer all the way from Australia who landed here just in time for the opening after he had a packed out show in Edinburgh.
Thats all the photos from the Menier Gallery well I think it is will have another look.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Menier gallery, Undiagnosed madness exhibition 14

Photos by Alex Walker

Me at my opening night in my silver snake dress with Dirty Linen in the backround.

Rhalou Allerhand editor of top magizine, Janie Hampton director of restoration of Chauncy Maples hospital ship on Lake malawi, Alex Walker english teacher of naughty kids like me.

Claire Freer, Stella kitchen artist, Stellas friend, Griff, Terry, leni from Davies and daughters trust house art company and me.

Claire and Leni the youngest viewer of me art.

Me and Marian O'Hare the founder memer of of me.

Friday, 18 September 2009

Menier gallery, Undiagnosed madness exhibition 13

Robert and I driving big van with art work in to London Menier Gallery stopping over at Aunt Margaret and Uncle Dave on the way in North London.

Robert and Bart in Cromer catching some sunlight, before picking up a deckchair from North Norfolk.

Fish and Chips at Mary Jane's Chippy in Cromer.

Snakes are exhausted after a big show in London and just want to chill out near a draughty door.

Dirty Linen Sheets from wars, X-army cotton sheets with paint and rubble.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Menier gallery, Undiagnosed madness exhibition 12

The wine for the opening night, these next lot of photos were taken by Bart from Holland who came and helped with the show.

Robert and Eloise getting word cards ready for the walls.

Robert blowing up a big ball for the show.

Claire hanging the work on the walls before the private viewing at the Menier gallery.
Bart photographing himself and Claire behind and my row of political cartoons.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Menier gallery, Undiagnosed madness exhibition 11

At the Private art club in Soho where I met Guy Freer from the famous band Micheal Angelo's gentlemen of the black sea which was a hit in Edinburgh and playing in Soho.

That makes a nice window. Me in the window at the Menier Gallery with my art in a can.

Sold pictures to be wrapped from Reciepe collection.

My family dehanging the show at the Menier Gallery.
London art blog for hot review.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Menier gallery, Undiagnosed madness exhibition.5

Space, nature, time on the walls at the Menier gallery, the clock struck everyones eye.

People chuckle at the fake Mondrian's for different reasons.

Fertility paintings hung on the wooden side wall they take you back to the woods home.

St. Patricks day paintings with my door snakes running away across the old chocolate factory wooden floor, looking for a draft to block.

Waves Ahuh splashing to one side of the gallery, with a big beach ball. Refreshing change from dusty dry London.
London art blog for hot review.

Monday, 14 September 2009

Menier gallery, Undiagnosed madness exhibition 9

This is my cousin Donald doing a plastic bag dance on the top floor of a high rise flats in central London. Donald put me up to stay for the week and fed and cupped of teaed me well.

Donald was a secret fan already and had a life drawing I did at Great Yarmouth art college in the late eighty's.

Also in the bathroom a framed Christmas card by me with a pink shinny mount, hanging above the mirror.

The reflection of the flats in the flat windows with a view of London. It was great that one lift was working.

This block mimics the block I am staying in, it reminded me of my childhood in Dublin visiting friends who lived in flats like these.

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Menier gallery, Undiagnosed madness exhibition 8

The famous knitted alien on a stand with the Dirty linen in the background at the Menier Gallery for Undiagnosed madness show.

Cousin Donald the famous piano player and Karen the famous theatre director, signing the book at the gallery with the gallery management team in the background.

Claire Freer the famous textile artist and Jane the famous Ghaphic designer, both people are from puppet backrounds, visiting the gallery and hanging out with the puppets.

Albert Hoffman's psychedelic summer pudding, mounted on cream with gold frame.

The flowers were given to me by Claire, she walked through the markets in the morning on her way for the big exhibition construction day.
The bowl backed turtle carries artistic licence's with my blog address on the other side.
Thank Leon for the great review in his london art blog

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Menier gallery, Undiagnosed madness exhibition 7

Sanphire Queen preparing sanphire from her beach. Best of the series of recipes mounted in cream and gold decorative frames hung at the Menier Gallery in a set of Six but is from an ungoing series.

Miffy giving birth struck a cord with people who have been somewhere in Europe and seen hello kitty things.

Poo pearls worked as soon as people put them on they felt amazing. The mirror was an old family mirror that use to be always put where there is stairs. this time it blends in with the old chimney wall.

Mr. Punch lucking in the background of these enormous detailed pen drawings that I was commissioned to draw. Mr. Punch from a big family of Punches and 3 large detail drawings.

Love heart punch bag and gloves. A little girl who spoke three languages including Russian was the only person daring enough to have a go at wearing the gloves and swinging for the bag. I had a go purely because my flat is too small to hit it. So when the gallery was quite I had played punch bag.
Dont forget to read the great review at London art blogs.

Friday, 11 September 2009

Artist gets bike stolen.

Sorry to break the flow of the Menier gallery photo story, but I have had my bike stolen at 10.30pm last night from outside my house where it was locked up.
The bike was a present from Robert because I had my last bike stolen and was good one that had lights and I could cycle further out of Norwich city and go blackberry picking with my friends and the most importantly take my art to art on the railings, monthly event in Norwich and the only mode of transport I can afford being an artist.
The bike is a mat black, called "Globe" Lady's city mountain bike with hub dynamo lights, if anyone sees it about Norwich or Norfolk, it has scratched paintwork on the handle bars, which were caused by the large bike chain lock dangling over them.
Will give an award of a painting for return of bike. Please phone police if you see it.

Menier gallery, Undiagnosed madness exhibition.4

The original poster, hand draw with blood, sweat and tears of laughter. Mounted and framed in undertone gold for the Menier Gallery solo exhibition.

You have to really look at this one to see what he is doing. The viewers move in close to this picture. London is in the view below Spiderman. From the growing supermodels set.

Superman flashing his tits at the viewer from Super models growing set.

Baby crying, a lot of relatives of mine sore other relatives as the baby crying. Baby from Punch and Judy family.

These are sections from the series of waves which I painted of memory's of Australia waves. Set of 6 paintings.