Thursday, 6 November 2008

The Chicken Man

This is a puppet of Burkurrr the chicken man, he is famous in Australia for just being the chicken man, which has helped the change of law in Australia where all battery chicken farms are being changed into free range chicken farms. I met Burkurrr when I was a host at an art party In Sydney I had made a chicken claw outfit that was in same material as his outfit that night purely coincidental. I watched him dance from the stage in his own creative way. We went out for a while and turned his car in to a chicken mobile, by drawing all over it with oil pastels and reupholstering the inside. The car got stolen on two occasions one of which it had all the Mardi gras costumes in the back. We went to the papers and got it back. both times it was found parked in the same location, nothing was taken. A lot of people approached him saying sorry to hear you had your car stolen. Bukurrr went on to do an amazing giant chicken show that flew across a swimming pool on a flying fox. Burkurrr helped out for years on all the amazing shows we did. He is no longer Burkurrr because there is no longer a need to protest about battery farms. I certainly miss the days of driving around in the chicken mobile waving and smiling at people.

He lives in Melbourne and works for the University and has a daughter.

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